Squeak roars!!!
I don't really know how to program in an object-oriented way. I like to do quick and dirty stuff with very little forethought associated with it. Organizing is good and nice but it takes too much time and makes no guarantees that thte end result will work in the real world. Maybe I am just lazy. Maybe I am just not smart enough. Maybe I am too shallow and judge the value of a thing on obvious, easily seen results.That is how I am when it comes to programming. If I get something to work then I work some more to make the code small. And I know enough that today's new version is not going to stay forever. Someone is surely going to come along and make a better mousetrap rendering your spanking new one old and dated in a few months. This was how I learned to trust only those very basic methods to stay the same for they are not sexy nor glamorous and get no notice from the systems developers who are out to outsmart, outsexy, outglamorize the competition.
Check out chings-world. It is simple and runs on Squeak.Based on the Philippine setting, it has very modest goals.