Smalltalk on Ubuntu
I installed VirtualBox on my Windows PC and installed a Virtual Machine running Ubuntu desktop. The installation of VirtualBox, the creation of the Virtual Machine went without a hitch and so did the installation of Ubuntu Desktop. There is also a download of Ubuntu Server and I wondered about the difference between the two. It turns out that Server is the distro which has LAMP pre-installed which means that you do not have to apt-get install the three tools. Desktop is the version which has the GUI which makes the download somewhat bigger.I proceeded to install Squeak Smalltalk which also went without a hitch. The only problem was, the repository only had Squeak 3.8 and not the 3.9 that I had used on my windows machine. I shall have to install Squeak 3.9 on a separate directory which involves untarring the download.
Check these out: Ching's Way, Ching's Web, Ching's Best, Ching's Illusion